Astoria Tatry, Ltd, Poprad, Slovakia

In the last two years, tourism in Slovakia has been rapidly increasing and more than 4.3 million people visited Slovakia in 2015, especially, the most attractive regions like Bratislava – the capital of Slovakia and the High Tatra Region.

ASTORIA TATRY Travel, Ltd. has been active in the tourism industry, hospitality management and marketing for more than 20 years. During this period, it has developed important long-term national and international partnerships.

The project „Slovakia Without Borders“ was established after a two-year long communication and negotiations with local tourism associations, tourism executives, and strategic travel companies.

Moreover, the latest affilliations and interest in collaborating with E-Turbonews, the leading global network in tourism, as well as, International Institute for Peace through Tourism resulted in a successful opportunity to define and make each traveler a „ Travel Ambassador of Peace“ through a unique partnership with SKAL and Inspirock – the leading innovative trip planner.

In conclusion, The goal of this project is, first of all to connect the most attractive regions of Slovakia, tourist boards, create new travel products and promote the services, attractions and services of Tatra Mountains internationally as a leading tourism brand within Central Europe with its base in city of Poprad, Slovakia.

All these affiliations are bringing us a unique opportunity not only for tourism professionals, but also for potential travelers and new-comers by promoting and using this helpful and innovative travel tool that will be able to help generate and a detailed travel itinerary in just seconds.

FOR ICTP MEMBERS: – project and event promotion
– representing ICTP in Slovakia
– connecting cities, regions and tourist boards of Slovakia
– searching for potential new clients
– event participation
– helping with development of ICTP within Slovakia
– participating in various activities and projects

INTERESTED IN – networking
– promotion of Slovakia
– development of a tourism strategy in Slovakia
– improving the tourism infrastructure
– improving PR

by Jaroslav Guzanic


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