European Commission: Mathieu Hoeberigs- tourism/ sports leisure expert

Mathieu Heberigs working for the European Commission in Brussels is a tourism, sports, leisure expert for more than 30 years. Working for the future in the frame of the GSDG and e  COP2 1 agreement. Balance amongst the various pillars of sustainability is key. Prefers actions instead of words. Working for peace is key and mostly more difficult than making war both at micro and macro level. Given my experience there are many fields of possible contribution for ICTP members.

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Professor Vikneswaran Nair: Taylor’s University – School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts

A full bred of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Dr. Vikneswaran Nair, better known as Prof. Vicky Nair or Vic Nair, completed his Bachelor of Science in Horticulture in 1994. After 2 years in the plantations, he was offered to do his Masters in Systems Engineering (Environmental Systems), an IRPA (Intensified Research in Priority Area), Ministry of Science & Environment Malaysia, funded project in developing an expert system for terrestrial vegetation management for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in 1998. Five years

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