One Asian Group: Sustainable Tourism support

Involved in development of Sustainable Tourism support and education in Eastern Indonesia. We have a practical approach to developing educational networks, synergy and partnerships sharing expertise and skillsets leading towards responsible tourism outcomes. Together with partners we have a lot to offer in establishing sustainable tourism outcomes. In sharing expertise and tourism and lisure skillsets whilst adding opportunities for your people in creating positive opportunities for their career development and advancement. One Asian delivers synergy through ecological, renewable and sustainable

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Tourism Tattler

Tourism Tattler publishes informational, educational, and promotional content aimed at growing tourist arrival figures into the continent of Africa. An emphasis on regional (Africa cross-border) and domestic (in-country) tourism growth is also aimed for, while a further objective is to raise the quality of tourism products in Africa through knowledge sharing. We like to reach out to ICTP members through awareness and knowledge sharing. email: [email protected]

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Johannesburg Tourism

Johannesburg in South Africa is the second largest city in Africa, with more than 3 million people calling this bustling metropolis home. Joburg, or Jozi as some prefer to call it, offers visitors an experience as unique and diverse as the city itself. Whether you are on business, in search of a cultural encounter, an adrenaline rush or simply want to relax and unwind for a few days, the city of Johannesburg has everything you’re looking for and more! On

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