Divers for Sharks, Canoas, Brazil

Divers for Sharks is a global campaign founded in 2010 to engage the Recreational Diving business community in shark and ocean conservation, and to promote the non-0extractive use of marine biodiversity to generate jobs and come sustainably. Divers for Sharks promotes the establishment of no-take marine protected areas as a vital tool for these economic uses, and stimulates Ecotourism and Diving businesses to take part in the formulation of public policies for biodiversity conservation.
FOR ICTP MEMBERS :It is our belief that the Tourism community has´t risen yet to the task of building public policies that favor non-extractive uses of Nature and therefore benefit our sector. By posting these opportunities, exchanging ideas and promoting joint action, we hope to contribute to change this.
INTERESTED: Learn about successful cases of Nature-based Tourism and public policy involvement, and hopefully gathering other business stakeholders to undertake coordinated action.
by Jose Palazzo