Ecotourism Australia

Ecotourism Australia (EA) is a not for profit organisation focused on inspiring environmentally sustainable and culturally responsible tourism. We design and deliver certification programs for tourism products, representing more than 500 environmentally responsible ecotourism operators and 1,500 products across Australia.
Learn more about our certification programs.
We work closely with our motivated and experienced members who deliver quality experiences that follow ecotourism principles. Find your next experience on our Green Travel Guide.
We represent the interests of ecotourism operators through membership on advisory boards, reference groups and other industry bodies where we work closely with diverse industry stakeholders to implement sustainable tourism practices.
We work with the following industry sectors:
- Ecotourism operators (accommodation, attraction and tours)
- Protected area managers and other government agencies (State & Federal)
- Local and regional tourism associations
- Tourism, environmental, interpretation and training consultants
- Tourism planners
- Academics and students
- Travellers