Fulcrum Travel Marketing+PR, Devonshire Plymouth, U.K.

FULCRUM Travel Marketing+PR plays a key and decisive role through its’ business and tourism industry marketing expertise on behalf of clients seeking t advice, representation and consultancy services to influence, promote and penetrate both the travel industry and consumer markets, in the promotion of destinations and product services in the United Kingdom.
Whether the required consultancy project is for a specific short term campaign, or, a long term fully integrated communications, marketing and, or, public relations programme of activities, FULCRUM is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to provide a thoroughly professional, comprehensive and competitive campaign.
FULCRUM’s founder and managing director, Paul Hoskins, has occupied senior positions in business for over thirty five years and has a considerable knowledge of the tourism industry, communications, media and trade and investment promotion.
FULCRUM is associated with and a member of a number of expert groups in the UK, including Skal International of which Paul is the current UK National President and the Pacific Asia Travel Association where Paul is an Executive Board Member and a past Chairman of the UK Chapter. He was also Chairman of the 1996 PATA 8th Annual Chapters’ World Congress.
With experience built on reliability and over thirty five years of professional client account handling, FULCRUM is dedicated to providing the very best range of public relations and marketing consultancy
London & Plymouth January 2018
Copyright: Paul A. Hoskins, FULCRUM Travel Marketing+PR