GTA, Dubai, UAE

GTA is a world leader in the provision of ground travel products and services to the fully independent travel industry. We have been the power behind some of the biggest and best in travel for decades. They trust us to deliver because of our wealth of experience, privileged relationships and on the ground expertise.
Abdul Bari Abdul Haleem:
Dynamic career in Travels & Tourism industry with 20 years plus experience B2B2C2E, reflecting record breaking performance, IT proficient, remain on cutting-edge, driving new business through key accounts and establishing strategic partnership and relationship to increase business volume with revenue. Possess strong negotiating skills, with customer service in focus and aptitude to keep abreast with the global development in the service Industry and general awareness.
FOR ICTP MEMBERS: Supporting by make it know through my network
INTERESTED to reach out to different areas and members in other countries.
by Abdul Bari Abdul Haleem