The Institute of Business management, CSJM University, Kanpur has completed 18 years of a purposeful existence since its inception in 1991.During this short span, IBM has established an identity of its own and has grown manifold while providing the corporate world with dynamic managers. |
We aim to pursue our commitment to international excellence as one of India’s leading business schools, with a particular commitment to diversity in the national composition of our staff and student community. We seek to enhance the practice of management worldwide, as well as in the locality and region, through the international excellence of our learning, teaching and research. |
The Institute’s portfolio of programs is diverse .It offers various post graduate and doctoral programs as well as under graduate programs covering the entire gamut of activities ranging from training programs to complex industrial planning, techno-economical feasibility studies, market research and organizational development assignments. |
The courses conducted at the institute consist of a two–year full-time MBA, three-year part-time MBA, three-year full- time BBA, two year full time M.B.A. (Finance and Control), two year full time M.B.A. (Business Economics) and a two year M.B.A. (Tourism Management). One year M.Phil. programme and Ph.D. programme. |
The Institute, as pioneer in management education, through its various development programs gives the students an edge over their counter-parts in enabling them to prepare themselves for a world that has yet to be created, for jobs yet to be invented, and for technologies yet undreamed.Both the curriculum-specializations and teaching methodologies are contemporary, dynamic, career and industry-focused to prepare studentsas employable resources . It is our motive to create entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to support the Business and Society.
The campus culture and atmosphere emphasise on overall development and growth of personality to compete in the field.Charting the road for the future, we are always eager to take more initiatives to further strengthen students that with the support of the faculty, administration, students and the Alumni to fulfill our mission.
(Dr. MukeshRanga)
Professor & Director |
The Institute of Business Management is situated in the green locals at the outskirts of Kanpur City in the pleasant campus of ChhatrapatiShahuJiMaharaj University (formerly Kanpur University).The key to a country’s economic and industrial success lies with the highly trained managers in both the public as well as the private sector .To meet the demand of trained management graduates in the light of ongoing liberalization and globalization Institute of Business Management was founded in the year 1991. The Institute has been conducting two year full time post graduate programme of Master of Business Administration (MBA-FT) since 1991.To cater the demand of working executives in 1996 the institute started three year part time MBA programme for working executives. Our faculty is offering specialization for MBA students in the field of Marketing, Finance & Human Resource Management in tandem with the growing demand in the business organizations for professionals with right aptitude and skills in these areas. From the session 1999-2000,Institute offered BBA programme to provide strong foundation to budding managers and serve as a stepping stone for advanced MBA programme. The programme of MBA (Tourism Management) has been commenced in the institute from July2001.The institute has also started two new post graduate programmes from July 2004 namely MBA (Finance and Control) and MBA(Business Economics).The Institute is running M.Phil. Course in Commerce and Business Management from the Session 2007-08. Institute is running PhD since its inception.The approach at our Institute is transformational in nature. The faculty seeks to dismantle the acquired mindsets and unleash the innate potentials and talents of students. The Institute wants its students to become aware of the true meaning of life and how to live happily, to think right and also how to think rightly.In tandem with our general focus on an overall personality development at IBM, the students are encouraged to initiate and participate in a variety of co-curricular activities throughout their stay.
Only theory is not all; it is a proper mix of theory and practical exposure that makes a person capable of making his/her own niche in an organization. From time to time, the students organize and participate in different seminars, symposia and workshops. The Institute encourages the students to be involved in different administrative activities in order to provide them with the opportunities for the development of their organizing capabilities.With the Co-operation of faculty members, the student’s forum runs successfully different cells viz. placement cell, cultural cell etc. in a democratic way. The students keep organizing various cultural events like musical programmes, plays and various competitions from time to time. |
Institute of Business Management commits itself
“to prepare socially responsible managers with strong ethical values, global vision, a high degree of competence and innovative acumen to excel in the competitive dynamic business environment.“ |
The approach at our Institute is transformational in nature. The faculty seeks to dismantle the acquired mindsets and unleash the innate potentials and talents of students. The Institute wants its students to become aware of the true meaning of life and how to live happily, to think right and also how to think rightly. |
Holistic management education through intellectual and informational inputs and activity centered experimental and self-discovering processes to embolden the students to assume responsibility, take charge and lead effectively. |
- To help developing the decision-making abilities of students.
- To sharpen the organizing skills of the students.
- To equip them to work as a team for their multi – faceted development.