Institute of Geosciencs, Energy, Water and Environment, Tirana, Albania

Introduction to the Institute of GeoSciences, Energy, Water and Environment
The Institute of GeoSciences, Energy, Water and Environment is a national research unit that operates under the umbrella of the Polytechnic University of Tirana. From the organizative viewpoint it is designed in seven main departments, each of them containing up to three research units.
These departments are:
Department of Climate and Environment
Department of Geology
Department of Seismology
Department of Water Economy
The management organs of Institute are:
Board of Institute
Head of Departments
The mission of Institute of GeoSciences, Energy, Water and Environment is to improve scientific research in the field of geoinformation in Albania through:
carrying out scientific and applicative research
leading the in depth education process of students and young researchers
undertaking third party services in the fields of seismology, natural resources, georisks, geoengineering and geoinformation techonology
The main tasks of this Institute are:
to study geological phenomena as geophysics, geochemistry, geomechanics etc and to build upon geological and thematic maps;
to study and evaluate natural country resources in terms of minerals and underground energetic and water resources;
to carry out research on natural hazards as well as those created by human activities (landslides, erosion, flood, earthquakes, environmental pollution etc);
to study the micro zoning with regards to evaluation of the seismic risk in regional and local level;
to adopt European standards of aseismic design.
to study and monitor continuously the seismic activity in the country and be able to provide real time data for both decision-makers and public opinion;
to develop, based on geoinformation technology, geomodels that supports scientific research in the fields of geophysics, geology, geoenvironment, seismology, geothermal energy etc.
by Bashkim LUSHAJ