International Social Tourism Academy (ISTA) , Italy

The ISTO defines social tourism as the whole of relations and phenomena related to the participation in tourism of social classes having modest income, extending this definition to tourist activities meant as contribution to development and solidarity.
Indispensable way to reach quality expression, life quality included.
As in any sector, in fact, tourism also has to face evolutions as well as trend and technology changes.
The important challenge for future years is knowing, interpreting and anticipating changes, going along the quality way.
Facing this challenge in an “industry” where human value is prevailing, means to be committed in a constant and permanent updating.
Quality can not be an umpteenth proposal among many others, but should represent the vector that associates Design, Training and Research by establishing a “certified” method aimed to form people who should face and run the change, for single peculiarities, in an active way.
To achieve this we need a Scientific Coordination (“Academy”) that individuals the best contacts that represent expression of world tourism and can guarantee high standards of competence according to the dictates of the ISTO.
The requirement is then system, be an active part towards all stakeholders: institutions, schools, universities, associations, business and corporate.
The INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL TOURISM ACADEMY wants to enclose all of this:
• scientific coordination
• a support Committee decisions,
• a laboratory of ideas, culture and working with a particular attention to the European and the Mediterranean basin.
In external relations Academy is based on two fundamental principles:
dialogo sociale, inteso come disponibilità a confrontarsi con tutti gli stakeholders, pubblici e privati, coinvolti nel sistema turistico e a svolgere attività di formazione e ricerca prevalentemente orientate verso gli stessi stakeholders;
1. dialogue as a willingness to confront all stakeholders, public and private, involved in the tourism system and to carry out training and research activities mainly geared towards the same stakeholders;
2. scientific autonomy in choosing and setting up training programmes, the adoption of research methodologies, interpretation of data and of the results achieved in the evaluation of public policies implemented by local authorities and European.
The Academy aims to contribute to achieving the objectives of sustainability and competitiveness of Social Tourism through Planning, training and research
There are many activities to do, we should also analyse the relationship between the Academy and stakeholders:
• the service providers or operators of the sector which is increasingly important behavioral and relational formation, in addition to technical training/educational, where the Academy takes a laboratory physiognomy dispenser constant update (continuing education);
• school and University, aware that education is necessary and preparatory to an Academy that wants to occupy that space in preparation for the world of work.
• local institutions that are an integral part of the system of production development and employment;