Let’s Do it in the Caribbean, Jamaica

Let’s Do it in the Caribbean is a distribution channel for the exchange of information, goods & services that unites the Caribbean as One Marketplace.
Sharon Parris-Chambers, B.A., BSc., is an inspired poet, a non-denominational minister and motivational speaker. She and her partner Theo Chambers have been influential in advancing the tourism industry, particularly the domain of Health & Wellness in Jamaica, West Indies through Positive Tourism Network, Caribbean Resort and Day Spa Association and Let’s Do it in the Caribbean portals. She is a former V.P. of the Spa Standards Steering Committee of the Tourism Product Development Co. working with industry leaders to help standardize the Spa industry in Jamaica. Sharon has been selected by the Cabinet to serve on the Jamaica Health & Wellness Task Force for Health Tourism development. She is listed in International Health Tourism Who is Who.
As a member of IIPT Caribbean, I am linked to the International Community of Peace through Tourism and believe strongly as a One Love Peace Ambassador from Jamaica that a culture of peaceful travel, trade exchange and cultural heritage development must continue to be pursued in the twenty-first century to cultivate world peace. A world at peace will enhance business development and gross national product world-wide. I have developed the One Love Call to Action and Pledge which goes like this. Every person I meet, I ask them to take the pledge. They cross their heart and repeat the following: “I pledge to love, forgive, trust and respect myself and the world with One Love, One Heart at a Time.”
Then they are asked to greet each person with “One Love”, Create One love events (Music concert, gatherings, Meditation groups). When then initiate same and log on to
facebook, they receive a Certificate suitable for framing.
I am interested in learning how to stay abreast of cutting edge information in Tourism and the Travel Trade.
As a member, I hope to be provided research and included in international meetings, events, trade shows & conventions particularly as it relates to Tourism, Wellness & Spa sectors.