Maleng Travel, Uganda

Maleng Travel is an inbound ground handler for East Africa operating out of Kampala, Uganda.
We have a selection of packages offering high end lodges and hotels as well as and mid range budget rates for the discerning traveler with flexibility for bespoke offers to cater for couples, families and incentive groups, institution study tours and projects, voluntourism, conference and pilgrim tours.
Tony Ofungi Managing Director
Tony Ofungi has second generation experience spanning three decades since his late father ventured into tourism in the early seventies.
He brings a wealth of knowledge from the prestigious International Tourism Management Institute in Salzburg Austria , School of Conservation Management,Ga, Atlanta, USA and holds a B.A hons Social Sciences Makerere University Kampala, Uganda.
In 1995 Tony was part of the Opening team of the Uganda Tourism Board as Senior information officer in the marketing Department where he served as trainer for tourism undergraduates on attachment and later Editor for the Tourism Uganda Newsletter .In 2009 he was appointed e-Turbo News Uganda Correspondent and remains a regular contributor for tourism news and updates.
He won Uganda several accolades including featuring a short film for the Brazil International Tourism Festival which bagged second place and led successful tourism investment Missions in 2006/7 to BIT Milan Tourism Exhibition as part of the centenary events marking the first scientific expedition by the Italian Duke of Abruzzi on the 5109 M Rwenzori Mountains .
In 1998, he was privileged to represent his country as a Cultural Representative from selected African countries as part of the Opening Team of Walt Disney Worlds Animal kingdom Theme Park Florida, before briefly venturing into ‘seaman’ life as a supervisor in Food s and Beverages Department on the newly launched Disney Magic Cruiseline in 1999.
Tony has engaged in research and consultancy with EU (Uganda Sustainable Tourism Programe )baseline study on cultural sites 2004, Wildlife Conservation Society (U.S.A.I.D) on post conflict investment opportunities in tourism in northern Uganda 2010/11 .In 2014/5 he was the mandated local tourism expert by Total Exploration and Production Uganda (TEPU) to undertake a study entitled “Social and Health Baseline Survey” for the Lake Albert field Development, in Northern Uganda.TOURISM WORKSTREAM.
He is also involved with Uganda Safari Guides Association, Association of Uganda tourism Board and Albert Nile Community Tourism Association and Northern Uganda Tourism Clusters.
ICTP gives me a platform to network with industry professionals in addressing issues affecting and effecting us from politics, business, news, events, trends and technologies and climate change under one forum.
Including my profile in the ICTP membership is a badge of recognition that gives an endorsement of approval and confidence as an authority in the tourism and hospitality fold.
by Tony Ofungi