Ministry of Tourism, Antiques & Wildlife Sudan

ALL IN ONE. Sudan the Exceptional Destination

Sudan is the largest country in Africa, located on the north – eastern side of the African continent between 4 & 21 North and 21 & 38 East, covering an area of one million square miles. Sudan is essentially a country of vast plains, interrupted by a few widely separated groups of hills and mountains such as the Amatong in the south and the Red Sea Hills in the east . The country is bordered by Nine Countries : Egypt and Libya from the North , Chad and Central Africa from  the west, the Democratic Republic of Congo , Uganda and Kenya from the south , Ethiopia and Eritrea from the East .


The Climate is variable, ranging from tropical sub-humid in the south to the Sahara Arabian Climate in the North. The Climate is hot and rainy during April-October and pleasantly warm from November – March. The large variation in climate and soil has been reflected in the rich flora and fauna of the country and the high diversity of its ecological habitat .

Entry Document and Customs Regulations:

All foreigners must obtain  entry visa from the Sudanese missions in their respective countries .All tourists are requested to register at alien office within three days of arrival .

Value Added Tax :

Value added tax ” VAT” is included in the price of most goods and services . Visitors are required to pay VAT on purchased goods .

Air Tax :

All departing passengers should pay an airport tax except transit passengers and children under two  years.

Motoring :

Application for permission to motor through the Sudan should be made to the Ministry of Interior .

Immunization :

Yellow fever vaccination certificate is required . Visitors are advised to contact the nearest Sudanese mission or their local travel agents for more information .


Arabic is the 1st Language, English is the 2nd .

Religion :

The majority are of Islamic faith, there are also Christians and pagans .

Population :

The total population is around 40 million, 80% of them  live in rural areas mainly in the Nile valley .The Sudanese people are peace loving and friendly .

Currency :

The currency is the Sudanese pound .

 Foreign exchange :

Travelers cheques and foreign currency notes of all major currencies can be exchanged at commercial banks as well as major hotels and exchange offices .

Fluctuations in foreign exchange markets are reflected in rates quoted on a daily basis .

Banking hours :

Sunday to Thursday 8:30am to 3:00pm.

Postal services :

Most post offices are open during business hours, Sunday – Thursday 8:13 & 17:-18 .

An international priority mail service is available .

Express Mail Services:

DHL – Worldwide Express. Tel:777500-777135 Khartoum .

Express Mail . Tel:778661-773372 Khartoum .

TNT . Tel . 472203 – 472205 .

Accommodation :

Sudanhas a wide range of hotels, categorized and uncategorized hotels, guest houses, youth hostels, self catering flats and inns .

Shopping :

Sudanhas a wide range of shops, formal as well as informal street vendors and flea markets .

Sport and recreation : 

Football and basketball and water body sports, tennis, golf and billiard are available in Sudan .

 Scuba Diving & Water sports :

Sudan’s coastal waters at the Red Sea offer safe diving conditions and the coastal line provides perfect conditions for a wide range of water sports. Also, fishing either in the Red Sea or the Nile is available .

Trekking and Hiking trails :

The various Sudanese hiking trails are filled with a brilliant array of flora and waterfalls. The major areas are Mara mountains and Nuba Mt . Red Sea and other mountains in southern Sudan .

Public Holidays:

Independence day: 1st of Jan, one day.

Christians Orthodox: 9th of  Jan for 3 days

Peace day:9th of  Jan, one day.

Easter day: one day for Moslems, 3 days for Christians .

New Hijra year :1st of Muharam ( Hijra Calendar ), 1 day

Birth of Prophet Mohamed: 12 Rabee Al Awal ( Hijra Calendar ), 1 day .

Eid Elfiter ( Ramadan ): 1st of Shawal ( Hijra Calendar ), 4 days .

Al Adha Sacrifice ( Kurban Bairam ): 10th of  Zu Al Hijra ( Hijra Calendar ) 5 days

Coptic Nevros: 27th April for 3 days.

Christmas 25th December, 1 day .

Telecommunications :

Sudanutilizes the GSM system for cellular phones thereby enabling foreign visitors to use their cell phone in the country .

Prepaid cards are available .

International dialing codes can be found in all local telephone directories.

Card operated public telephones are available at airports, shops and post offices .

Water :

Sudantap water is extremely palatable and perfectly safe to drink .

Bottled water is available at most retail outlets.

Car Rental :

An International driver’s license is required . Cars can be rented at major airports or through travel agents or car rental companies .

Medical Care :

Medical services in Sudan are readily available-certain pharmacies and hospitals render a 24 hour emergency service in most towns and cities. Major hotels have contracts with physicians & dentists .

Useful Telephone Numbers :

KhartoumAirport Information Office 780129-777162

Police Emergency services 999 Khartoum Hospital : 779500 .

Ministry of Foreign Affairs : 775595 – 773101.

Sudanese Travel & Tourism Union: 796193

Miscellaneous :

Local time : GMT + 3 hours

Weekly closing day: Friday and Saturday

Governmental offices = 8:00am – 4:00pm


220 volt .

How to Dress:

It is advisable to wear light clothes, preferably made of cotton.

Maimouna Elshafie


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