Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria

Our main priority is to create the necessary conditions for stable tourism growth in the Republic of Bulgaria and to carry out the country’s tourism policy in a lawful and advisable way. We set goals that lead to a more competitive economy with a high value added and a better quality of life for the Bulgarian people.
What we can do for ICTP Members: We can send invitation for the tourism forums and expos organized in Bulgaria, such as First International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism in Sofia, organized together with UNWTO. The mission of the Ministry of Tourism (MT) is to pursue a clear and transparent tourism policy protecting the state and the public interest on the basis of the European Union principles. MT will work for positioning Bulgaria as a well known and preferred year-round tourist destination with clearly identifiable national identity, authentic culture and nature, occupying a leading place among the tourist destinations in Central and Eastern Europe. MT efforts will be focused on the development of specialised types of tourism, improving the quality of the national tourism product and its competitiveness, and attracting more tourists.
by Svetlana Golemanova, director, assistant to the minister