National Association of Psychological Science, Chandigarh, India

Roshan Lal
Area of Interest: Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Health Psychology
Rehabilitation Psychologist (Regd.): CRR No. A15082 (Rehabilitation Council of India)
Honorary Positions:
(1) Organizing Secretary: South Asian Association of Psychologists
(2) Coordinator, IGNOU, New Delhi
(3) Editor, Indian Journal of Psychological Science
(4) State Coordinator: Chandigarh & Punjab)): Indian Association of School Psychology
(5) Founder President, National Association of Psychological Science-India
(6) Member Editorial Board: World Without Anger: A Cross-Cultural Journal on Emotional, Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
(7) Member, Elixir Editorial Advisory Board
(6) Member Editorial Board– Indian Journal of Psychology and Mental Health.
(7) Member Editorial Board Indian Journal of psychology and Education.
(8) Member Advisory Board: Elixir International Journal
(9) Conference Director: 1st International & 3rd Indian Psychological Science Congress- 2014.
(11) Conference Director: 2nd International & 4rd Indian Psychological Science Congress- 2015.
(12) Conference Director 3rd International and 5th Indian Psychological Science congress, 28-30 October, 2016
(13) Conference Director 4th International and 6th Indian Psychological Science congress, (Proposed at Dept. of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 18-20 Sept, 2017)
(14) Member, Board of Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh
(15) Founder President, Govt. College Teachers Association, Chandigarh,
(16) Life Member: Child Welfare Council, (Haryana)
Research Experience: 20 Years.
Publications: Thirty eight Research papers published in National and International
repute Journals and many are in pipeline.
Numerous articles pertaining psychology have been published in National/Regional News Papers.
Research Paper More than 85 Research Papers presented in National
Presented and International Symposia’s/Conferences/Seminars/ Workshops
Research Projects: (1) Current project of Rs. 15, 000, 00/- is sanctioned ICSSR, Ministry of Human Resources Development
(2) Co-Principal Investigator, UGC Sponsored Project of Rs. 3, 66,300.
(3) International School Psychology Association, USA, allocated research project and worked as country coordinator
Seminar/Conference: Numbers of Sessions Chaired/Co-Chaired and delivered
Workshops etc: Key Note addresses during National/International level
. seminars/Conference/ Workshops
Organizing Secretary: UGC Sponsored National Seminar organized on 4th April, 2009
1st Indian Psychological Science congress, 2012
Award & Recognition : Best Coordinator, 2015, IGNOU, Regional Center- Chandigarh.
Book Authored: Five (Main author)
Honorary Consultant: Brain Power Pvt. Ltd, Chandigarh., Arya Hospital, Mani Majra (UT)
Visiting Clinical Psychologist at Arya Hospital, Chandigarh-India
Invitational Talks: Delivered numbers of invitation talks and Key Note at national and International levels.