Provident GLobal Capital Group Hong Kong

Provident Capital Group is a huge financial group in the world both in bond and funds dealing, dealer sales center, project investment, realty and property industry as well as financial advisory services organization. We have many but separate offices handling different kind of business in the world such as bond and fund dealing in Hong Kong and Australia, financial advisory and services in U.K. and USA, Realty and property industry in USA and different kind of project investments in various kind of industry like mining, oil dealing, eco-system and infra-structure in many countries. We have total approximately 5,000 employees all over the world.
What I need to do is to arrange averagely 50-60 times of executive meetings per year for top and middle management staff for different companies in our group. Expo and Congress in particular industries are also necessary to be organized in ad hoc base. Besides we usually arrange four incentive programs for both of our top management staff including luxury programs and regional branch office employees. That’s why we need to join MICE exhibitions so far for collecting necessary information in different regional. Recently we have launched a fund by JP Morgan in Hong Kong in order to insert more financial product in the Hong Kong Financial Market. You can see the website For realty and property project in USA, you can browse our realty website at As mentioned above, we also provide service of project investment in mining in Indonesia. I hope the above can give you some insights to our group since we are working in low profile as usual for many years. Last but not the least, our group is the partner of EVINTRA (Event Incentive Travel) that are always invited to join MICE shows all over the world including IMEX, Frankfurt, EIBTM, Barcelona and ICOMEX, Mexico, AIME, Melbourne and etc. |
How can you could contribute to the ICTP community? |
By experience and network for the past 15 years in arranging MICE events all over the world.
What are you interested in learning from the ICTP community? What are you interested from the ICTP community to offer to you as a member? |
Technology related and strategy of market change.
Michael Chow: [email protected]