TRIADA, Antalya, Turkey

TRIADA, founded in 2006 by Turkish and Dutch consultants, is specialised in CSR in tourism, international projects and cooperation and located in Antalya, Turkey.

If you are searching for trustable CSR experts or for consortium partners to carry out (parts of) projects or tenders in Turkey or create new projects, then TRIADA is the right partner.

We ensure professional involvement and bring important added value in different areas.

Our team consists of 2 competent professionals with experience in international project management and training. We know English, Turkish, Dutch, German, French, Russian and Spanish. Also we have a pool of experts in different areas that we cooperate with regularly.

*Official representative in Turkey for Travelife for Tour Operators and Travel Agencies

* Official representative in Turkey for Stichting Uitwisseling (SUSP): Placement of Turkish students in Dutch agricultural companies.

* Member of pool of Experts for European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Businesses Advisory Service Programme in Turkey

* Turkish representative for European website for mobility in the areas of hospitality, agriculture and trade.

*Extensive experience in coordination of international projects on sustainable tourism, education & youth and international (business) cooperation

*Broad experience with auditing accomodations and tourism companies for the CSR in tourism certification system Travelife

*Access to a broad Turkish and international network of organisations, media, companies and qualified trainees or employees

*Broad experience in intercultural communication, dissemination and exploitation of project results

*Experience with transformation of ideas in creative projects, researching financing opportunities design a well prepared application form and implementation of projects.

TRIADA’s customers are mostly European and Turkish:
-umbrella organisations (Dutch & British Associations of Travel Agents and Tour Operators, CCI Alanya, CCI Limburg & Haaglanden)
-governmental organisations (Turkish and Dutch National Police)
-NGOs (European Centre for Eco and Agro Tourism, Cultural Routes Society, Turkey)
-municipalities (Dosemealti, Den Bosch and Kepez Municipalities)
-unions (Mediterranean Union of Municipalities, Alanya Banana Producers Union)
-universities and vocational education institutes (Akdeniz University, Hogeschool INHolland).

For ICTP Members: As official Turkish representative for Travelife for Tour Operators and Travel Agencies and auditor / advisor for this and Travelife for Accomodations, we are well equipped to help (tourism) companies to become more green and social.

by Angelique Tonnaer


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