Uganda Youth Skills Training organization

Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization is an organization committed to developing youth through Sustainable skills training.and At UYSTO, we believe you can. Therefore, we do.
We are a team of people committed to equip youth in Uganda with hands on skills for their everyday life. We believe that personal development and education are the way to end poverty and we are advocating this and a better future for youth in Uganda through all the activities and projects we do.
UYSTO has been founded 10 years ago on these principles and continuously promotes an ethos of social change starting at a very young age in school, and outside school.
In accordance with the national need of vocational training for economic development, and the way it has been seen by society in the past few years, our aim is to inform, educate and train youth in Uganda. We aim at facilitating a belief that vocational training will offer youth the chance to secure jobs faster, to be self-reliant, establish their own business and in turn, commit to a more systematized change in Uganda, starting from youth who believe, who can, and who do.
Through our projects and partnerships, we are addressing some of the current challenges within the Millennium Development Goals, such as:
– Eradicating Extreme Poverty
– Promote Gender Equality and empower women
– Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
– Ensure Environmental Sustainability
At the core of our work, it is a partnership for sustainable development, which is based on 3 directions:
1. Creating an infrastructure of vocational training within the Ugandan Educational system
2. Facilitating access to vocational training by providing training to youth outside school
3. Increasing international awareness and collaborating with companies and organizations that want to invest in training for youth in Uganda.
FOR ICTP MEMBERS: Networking with all the members in the ICTP,providing accommodation to members traveling to Uganda at low cost,providing volunteer opportunities to those willing to contribute to the community development.
Organize short programs for the travelers to get engaged in , like liquid soap making, vegetable growing for the Universal Primary Education pupils to balance their dies,etc