Travel & Tourism Safety

Tourism Security: A tool for Economic Development
by Dr. Peter Tarlow
- Introduction to Tourism Security
- The Relationship between Tourism Security and the Economy
- Hotel and Motel Security
- Risk and Crisis Management
- Public Gathering Places
- Aquatic Tourism
- Transportation
- Tourism Security Legal Issues
- Case Studies – Four Tourism Cities
- Effective Communication and Media Outreach
ADD ON (optional)
Training Your Police:
Tourism Oriented Policing (TOPs), how it works and why it is essential for a viable tourism industry.
- Getting On Board: Helping Your Police and Other City Employees to be Part of the Tourism Industry.
- Marketing to the Baby-boom Generation, Generation X and beyond.
- New Trends in Tourism Marketing and International Tourism.
- When the Market is Tight and the Economy Is Slow: New Ideas in Marketing.
- Developing a Successful Agricultural and Rural Tourism Industry.
- Something from Nothing: The Art of Creating New Attractions.
- Tourism Ethics: Linking the Wisdom of Moses to Your Tourism Product.
- Understanding Tourism Statistics: When is a fact a fact and when is it not? How to present data to the media.
- Dealing with Tourism Rage: What We Need to Know about Deflecting Anger.
- Getting on Board: Explaining Tourism to Police and Other City Employees.
- How Safe are Your Visitors? The Tourism Security Check-up Marketing to the Baby-boom Generation.
- Meeting Change Head-on
- New Trends in Tourism Marketing
- Rural Tourism and Economic Development.
- Something from Nothing: The Art of Creating New Attractions.
- The Art of Travel Writing and Press Releases.
- The Best of Tidbits: Some of Favorite Tidbits Topics given in oral form
- Tourism Ethics: Linking the Wisdom of Moses to Your Tourism Product
- Tourism Faces the Alternative School Calendar Issues.
In the post-9/11 world the field of tourism security has become an important part of both security management and tourism. Private security professionals and police departments in tourism cities, as well as hotels, major attractions, and theme parks, have all come to realize that tourism security and safety issues (often called tourism surety) are essential for industry survival and success. In Tourism Security, leading expert Peter Tarlow guides the audience through a study of tourism security themes and best practices.
Topics include the relationship between tourism security and the economy, hotel and motel security, risk and crisis management, public places, transportation, and legal issues.
We will present a case studies of major tourist destinations. With each destination, an interview with a police or security representative is included—providing unique, in-depth insight to security concerns about your destination.
Tourism Security is an invaluable resource for private security professionals, police departments that serve tourist destinations, and tourism professionals who work in hotels, at attractions, casinos, at events and in convention centers.
Tourism Security and Well-Being Workshop
The workshop can provide your region with both knowledge and prestige. These workshops are excellent and inexpensive ways to promote your destination in cooperation with ICTP and our media partners, including our prime partner, the eTurboNews Group.
What we will provide:
- Tourism & More and ICTP will provide the Curricula and Speakers.
- Global outreach and promotion if requested
- Extensive global media/ PR outreach and guaranteed reports if requested.
- Workshops are also great for local training for tourism stakeholders, law enforcement, officials.
The Host Community will provide
- Meeting Venue
- Speakers transportation, lodging, meals and honoraria
- The host community is welcome to charge for workshop participation.
Presented by Dr. Peter Tarlow, PH.D
Dr. Peter Tarlow, PH.D. is the Founder and President of Tourism & More
Dr. Peter Tarlow, PH.D, Founder and President of Tourism & More, as differentiated from Rabbi Peter Tarlow
Dr. Peter E. Tarlow is a world-renowned speaker and expert specializing in the impact of crime and terrorism on the tourism industry, event and tourism risk management, and tourism and economic development. Since 1990, Tarlow has been aiding the tourism community with issues such as travel safety and security, economic development, creative marketing, and creative thought.
Tarlow has worked with numerous US government agencies including the US bureau of Reclamation, US Customs, the FBI, the US Park Service, the Department of Justice, the Speakers bureau of the US Department of State, the Center for Disease, US Supreme Court police, and the US Department of Homeland Security. He has worked with such US iconic locations as the Statue of Liberty, Philadelphia’s Independence Hall and Liberty Bell, the Empire State Building, St. Louis’ arch, and the Smithsonian’s Institution’s Office of Protection Services in Washington, DC.
Tarlow has been a keynote speaker for governors’ tourism conferences around the nation including those for Illinois, South Carolina, South Dakota, Washington State and Wyoming.
He has addresses large scale US government meetings for such agencies as:
- The Bureau of Reclamation
- The US Center for Disease Control
- The US Park Service
- The International Olympic Committee
On the international scene he has addressed conferences such as:
- The Organization of American States (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Panama City, Panama)
- The Latin American Hotel Association (Quito Ecuador, San Salvador, El Salvador and Puebla, Mexico)
- The Caribbean Chiefs of Police Association (Barbados)
- The International Organization for Security and Intelligence – IOSI ((Vancouver, Canada)
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa
- The French Hotel Association CNI-SYNHORCAT (Paris)
Additionally, Tarlow is a featured speaker for numerous US embassies and with foreign tourism ministries around the world. For example, in his role as an expert in tourism security he has worked with:
- Vancouver’s Justice Institute (2010 Olympic games)
- The police departments of the state of Rio de Janeiro (2014 World Cup Games)
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police,
- The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
- The Panama Canal Authority
- Police forces in Aruba, Bolivia, Brazil, Curaçao, Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Serbia, and Trinidad & Tobago
In 2013 the Chancellor of the Texas A&M system named him his Special Envoy. In 2015 the Faculty of Medicine of Texas A&M University asked Tarlow to “translate” his tourism skills into practical courses for new physicians. As such he teaches courses in customer service, creative thinking and medical ethics at the Texas A&M medical school
In 2016 the international engineering firm Gannet-Fleming appointed Tarlow its Senior Security and Safety Specialist. Additionally, in 2016, Governor Gregg Abbot of Texas named Tarlow as the Chairman of the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission. As such he has wide experience in dealing with protest marches and other public events that touch upon that theme.
Tarlow organizes tourism security conferences around the world, including the International Tourism Safety Conference in Las Vegas along with conferences in St. Kitts, Charleston (South Carolina), Bogota, Colombia, Panama City, Croatia, and Curaçao.
Tarlow lectures and trains tourism professionals and security personnel in multiple languages on a wide range of current and future trends in the tourism industry, rural tourism economic development, the gaming industry, issues of crime and terrorism, the role of police departments in urban economic development, and international trade.
Some of the other topics about which he speaks are: the sociology of terrorism, its impact on tourism security and risk management, the US government’s role in post terrorism recovery, and how communities and businesses must face a major paradigm shift in the way they do business.
Tarlow publishes extensively in these areas and writes numerous professional reports for US governmental agencies and for businesses throughout the world. He has been asked to be an expert witness in courts throughout the United States on matters concerning tourism security and safety, and issues of risk management.
As a well-known author in the field of tourism security, Tarlow is a contributing author to multiple books on tourism security, and publishes numerous academic and applied research articles regarding issues of security including articles published in The Futurist, the Journal of Travel Research and Security Management.
Tarlow’s wide range of professional and scholarly articles includes articles on subjects such as: “dark tourism”, theories of terrorism, and economic development through tourism, religion and terrorism and cruise tourism. Tarlow also writes and publishes the popular on-line tourism newsletter Tourism Tidbits read by thousands of tourism and travel professionals around the world in its English, Spanish, and Portuguese language editions.
Among the many books that Tarlow has authored or co-authored are:
- Event Risk Management and Safety (2002).
- Twenty Years of Tourism Tidbits: The Book (2011)
- Abordagem Multdisciplinar dos Cruzeiros Turísticos (2014, in Portuguese)
- Tourism Security: Strategies for Effective Managing Travel Risk and Safety (2014)
- A Segurança: Um desafío para os setores de lazer, viagens e turismo, 2016 published (in Portuguese) and republished in English as Cruise Security (2016)
- Gazing at Death: Tourism and Dark Tourism (2107)
- Sports Travel Security (2017)
- Personal Reconstruction: A Psychological, Spiritual, Financial, and Legal Course in the Art of Preventing Personal Crises and Recovering from Them. (2018)
- Tourism Policing (To be published early in 2019)
At numerous universities around the world Tarlow lectures on security issues, life safety issues, and event risk management. These universities include institutions in the United States, Latin America, Europe, the Pacific Islands, and the Middle East.
Tarlow earned his Ph.D. in sociology from Texas A&M University. He also holds degrees in history, in Spanish and Hebrew literatures, and in psychotherapy.
Tarlow has appeared on national televised programs such as Dateline: NBC and on CNBC and is a regular guest on radio stations around the US.
He is the recipient of the International Chiefs of Police highest civilian honor in recognition for his work in tourism security.
He is also often on television programs around the world. Here are some examples:
Tarlow is a founder and president of Tourism & More Inc. (T&M). He is a past president of the Texas Chapter of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA). Tarlow is a member of the International Editorial Boards around the world.
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ICTP Tourism Seminars
Assessing the State of Your Tourist Industry
This innovative program will offer the participant several techniques on how to analyze the state of a community’s tourist industry. The seminar’s purpose is to give the local professional the necessary sociological and statistical tools needed in the identification of basic strengths and weaknesses within a local tourist system. Ideas will also be offered on how to correct problems and build on local strengths.
Benchmarking and Tourism
Benchmarking is the science that allows businesses to compare themselves to the best in their area/field. This seminar teaches you not only how to benchmark but how to decide with whom/what to benchmark. The seminar provides both a theoretical and applied framework for benchmarking and its applications.
Brochures: Expectations versus Reality
This seminar will present a psychological and sociological analysis of good and bad points common to brochures. What are the consequences of false expectations? What does color theory have to say about brochures? How can the success or failure of a brochure be measured?
Business Retention, Tourism, and Economic Development
This seminar is designed for communities that seek long term steady growth. The seminar focuses on how tourism and tourism skills are an essential part in not only retaining already existing businesses in your community, but how it can help those business become part of the economic development program through expansion and greater success.
Creating greater profitability through trust:
- How to use trust to create employee loyalty
- How to use trust to create a credible tourism product
- How to use trust to win new customers and clients
- How to create trust with the media
- How to use trust as a recovery tool during a crisis.
Cultural Tourism: Can It Work; How to Make It Succeed
This seminar focuses in on the effects of tourism on culture, and how cultural uniqueness impacts on the tourist industry. The seminar uses both a functionalist and conflict theory approach to show areas of potential compatibility and flash-points. This seminar is designed to increase awareness of the effects of tourism within the total societal environment.
Dealing With Change
Tourism often provokes a changing demographic, economic, political, and sociological profile in a community. These changes, if not managed properly can create havoc with a community’s social structure. This course examines
- why change is hard
- how to introduce change
- what not to do
- the politics and psychology of change
This seminar discusses the pros and cons of qualitative and quantitative research. It demonstrates when to use each form of research, what are its economic advantages and disadvantages, and what forms of qualitative and quantitative research work best for different communities. The seminar presents:
- time lines and time tables for research
- research costs and how to keep them low
- how to explain your research to the community at large
- how to use theory as an inexpensive way to avoid expensive survey research
- how to turn your research into action
Ethnic Tourism: How to Market it While Being Sensitive to the Socio-Ecologial Issues
This seminar focuses on how minority cultures can play a major role in a community’s tourism industry while at the same time, how governments need to be sensitive to these people’s rights to preserve their culture and not be overwhelmed by insensitive tourists.
Extraterrestrial Tourism From Angels to Extraterrestrial:
New Concepts in Out-of-This-World Travel
This course is designed to help communities take advantage of the extra-terrestrial tourism fade. The course looks at
- who is interested in extra-terrestrials
- how to advertise
- services needed
- extra-terrestrial tourism as a form of postmodernism
- how to use extra-terrestrial as a means for economic development.
The course also discusses what other communities are doing, types of people extraterrestrial tourism attracts, and types of services needed.
Facing Issues of Crime and Terrorism
This seminar will investigate the impact of the police on a community’s tourist industry? The seminar will cover:
- how can the police have a positive impact on tourism
- police as information sources
- police as goodwill ambassadors
- police as front line medical personnel
- how police may be a negative factor on tourism –
- flash-points between the police and the tourist industry
- the threat of terrorism
This seminar will also to discuss ways to develop interactive alliances between the travel and law enforcement industries. The seminar looks at the costs of crime and the steps CVB’s can take to help protect the industry.
Getting Started: An Overview for the Tourist Professional
This seminar provides an introduction to the methodologies and theories of tourism. This seminar, conducted in a workshop format, provides the “how-to’s and do’s and don’ts” of tourism research and development. The seminar is designed for small communities whose staff member(s) must be multifaceted, and who seek guidance in the following areas:
- How to seek grants
- The basic concepts of qualitative research
- The basic concepts of quantitative research
- The basic concepts of promotion
- The tools of tourism
Goal Achievement: Encouraging Sub organizational Cooperation
Components within an organization often work toward individual rather than common agenda. This seminar will discuss various ways to create an atmosphere for team work among the various agencies within a large organizational structure. The seminar will look at:
- potential obstacles to cooperation
- techniques for feedback analysis
- methods to create higher levels of cooperation
How to Select the Proper Target Group for Your Community’s Tourist Industry
This seminar is designed to delineate types of tourist groups. This seminar will focus on such questions as: What segment mix should a community target? What needs do tourists/visitors have? What is the sociology of the business traveler?, What is the sociology of the transient leisure traveler? What is the sociology of the resort leisure traveler? This seminar will cover:
• principles of market segmentation
• creation of demographic profiles
• development of questionnaires
• distribution of questionnaires
•stratification by socio-economic groups
• attraction analysis
How to Survive in a CVB or Chamber Job through Self-Promotion: What’s OK to Do, What’s Wrong to Do, What’s Moral and What’s Not
This seminar is perfect for major conferences. It provides attendees with the fundamentals of community power, how to use, how to identify it, and how to promote your tourism industry agenda.
International Tourism
This seminar provides insights into the complex world of marketing an American product to the outside world. The seminar focuses on issues such as:
- Special problems of the foreign tourist
- Differences in the social make-up of the European, Asian, and Latin American tourist
- Handling foreign currencies
- Issues of language
- Issues of culture
- Preparing one’s community for the foreign visitor
LGBT Community: How and why to connect and engage?
Making the Tourist Feel Comfortable and Desirous of Returning
This seminar combines the best of tourism oriented policing with the ideas of hospitality and customer service. It is meant as a guide so that tourism professionals can create a hospitable tourism environment so that the community can benefit from repeat tourism. The seminar gives information on material such as:
- the art of giving directions
- how to develop a tourism policing manual
- how to deal with multi-cultural tourism
- how to work with non-English speaking international visitors
Making Tourism Profitable
This seminar helps you to design a tourism business strategy by understanding such questions as:
- who are your tourism customers,
- what do your customers want,
- how is tourism like a business and how does it differ,
- who should and should not be a “customer,”
- why should someone chose my community to visit over another community,
- is market-share important?
This seminar is tailored so that each participant will take home a specific business plan for his/her community.
Rural Tourism
This seminar focuses on how rural communities can use their resources to create a viable tourism industry while being sensitive to the local ecology and culture of a community. Among the topics to be covered are:
- County-side publicity
- Developing rural attractions
- Selecting the right market
- Working within the local political framework
Listening: The Key to Successful Service
This seminar will cover such topics as: How can service personnel be inspired to become community representatives? This seminar is appropriate not only for people in the tourism/visitor industry but also for communities that wish to treat their citizens as guests. Some of the topics that are addressed are:
- keeping your service personnel current on local happenings;
- deciding on which type of service best fits the needs of those visiting a specific community;
- understanding the sociology of good manners,
- a multi-cultural look at how ethnicity may define “politeness.”
Sociology of the Baby Boomers for Tourism – How Tourism Can Make It a Baby Boom or Baby Bust
This seminar will cover the sociology of those born during the baby boom and compare them to the generation which follows. The seminar will look at:
- women in the work force and how it pertains to tourism
- the interaction between vacation and child care
- the effect of two income households on vacation time
- yuppy travel patterns
- the use of snob appeal in the tourist industry
Some Tools for Marketing Your Products
This seminar is designed to highlight the potentials and pitfalls of common advertising techniques. This seminar will cover:
brochure analysis
- matching expectations with reality
- color analysis – what messages do colors send
- font and print selection
- how to select the right advertising vehicles
Statistics and Tourism: The Art of Collecting Information and Knowing How to Utilize it
This seminar will focus on how to measure a tourist’s reaction to a community. Emphasis will be placed on the art of the questionnaire. The seminar will cover such topics as:
- What can be asked of a tourist,
- What cannot be asked,
- How can a questionnaire be constructed so as to yield the greatest amount of useful information,
- What are the proper ways to distribute a questionnaire?
Targeting the Right Convention
This seminar is designed to delineate types of conventions. It will present a taxonomy of the convention industry illustrating the social and economic realities of each type of convention. This seminar will focus on such topics as:
- What is the sociology of the convention participant
- What needs do participants have
- How can the demographic profile of the participant be determined
- How can convention business be an entry into greater tourist revenue
- What type of convention is best for your community: Economically and Politically
The Critique: How to Diagnose the State of Your Tourist/Visitor Industry
This innovative program will offer the participant several techniques on how to analyze the state of a community’s tourist/visitor industry. This seminar’s purpose is to give the local professional the necessary sociological and statistical tools needed in the identification of basic strengths and weaknesses within a local tourist system. Ideas will be offered on how to correct problems and build on local strengths.
The Group Tour’s Social Structure
This seminar looks at the composition of people who take group tours. Who are they, what special needs do they have. The seminar covers topics such as:
- the US versus European group tourist
- caring for the group tourist
- getting the group tourist to want to return
- selling to the group tourist: the art of the souvenir
- the culture of the group tourist
The Interrelationship between Police Departments and Tourism Cities
This seminar shows how important a police department is to the success of a tourism product. The seminar also demonstrates how much policing can learn from tourism, Some of the topics covered are:
- how tourism can help police departments improve customer service
- how tourism can help police departments to increase salaries
- how police departments and tourism entities can create meaningful dialogue
- how police departments can play a significant role in improving the community’s quality of life
- how police departments can become attractions and how tourism units can become a part of law enforcement.
Tourism as a Community Player: Its Direct and Indirect Benefits
This seminar provides insights into tourism’s multifaceted community roles. Among the subjects discussed are:
- the direct economic benefits of tourism
- the direct social benefits of tourism
- tourism’s role as a tool in the attraction of other industries
- tourism’s role in the development of local pride
- how tourist and political leaders can work together
Tourism in the First Half of the Twenty-first Century: Preparing Now for Your Future
This seminar gives food for thought on how present trends will impact on the tourist industry of tomorrow. Among the trends to be discussed are:
- new technologies in the field of transportation
- new technologies in the field of communication
- demographic patterns
- the allocation of time between work and play
- the lengthening of the public school year and its impact on the family vacation
Tourism and Retirement – Can They Co-Exist?
This seminar will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the tourist and retirement models. How do these two models interact? What are the positive ramifications from them working together? What are the negative consequences inherent from competition between these two industries? This seminar will present a socio-statistical outline of the tools needed to make a proper decision concerning the coexistence of these two industries.
Tourism’s Big Picture: Learning How All its Parts Fit and Work Together
This seminar will seek to provide an overview of the industry’s major “players.” Emphasis will be placed on the ways that the actions of one segment in the industry affects all other segments. Some examples are:
- the effect of hotel marketing on local attractions
- the effect of transportation arteries on restaurants
- the effect of destination development on local businesses
The seminar is designed to encourage cooperation between tourism’s various segments.
Tourism Faces The Issue Of Gaming and How to Judge Its Effects on Your Community
This seminar will teach a community to determine casinos gaming’s effects on such key issues as:
- casinos’ effects on crime
- casinos’ effects on hotel occupancy
- casinos’ effects on local attraction attendance
- casinos’ effects on local restaurants
- casinos’ effects on service industry employment
It then guidelines for individual communality research and plans for action.
Tourism Is Economic Development
This seminar will define how and why tourism is economic development. It discusses a broad range of topics such as:
- generating new money in the community
- tax revenues
- job creation
- economic preservation
- tourism’s role in quality of life
- tourism as an ally for economic development in other industries
Trends in Niche Marketing for the 21st Century
This seminar is designed to help a community delineate which tourist groups it has the best chance of attracting in the early parts of the next century. This seminar will focus on such questions as: (1) How to determine which future trends will most effect your community, (2) What segment mix should a community target? What needs will tourists/visitors have? What will be the sociology of tomorrow’s travelers? What role will such participatory sports, as golf, play in future travel marketing? Among the items this seminar will cover (given in alphabetical order) are:
- attraction analysis by sociological groups
- demographic patterns and niche marketing
- how the issue of an aging population will effect leisure activities
- how we will allocate our time between work and play
- marketing to the Twenty-First century traveler
- types of travelers and their needs
- participatory sports such as golf
- new technologies in the field of communication
- principles of market segmentation
- the lengthening of the public school year and its impact on the family vacation
- Twenty-First century market segmentation
Understanding Tourism: How Teaching Tourism to All City Employees Impacts a Community’s Economic Development, Improves Public Services, and Promotes Racial And Cultural Understanding.
This seminar focuses on a unique program that was first developed for police departments and then extended to other city agencies. The program discusses how public employees can be trained through tourism education such skills as:
- Being community hosts,
- Law enforcement’s role in being hospitable to tourists, why the police,
- Insights into the sociology of tourism,
- The special needs and issues of such groups as: the elderly tourist, the woman tourist, or the international tourist,
- Dealing with tourism gender issues: male to male, male to female, female to female, and female to male,
- The role of refuse collection, electrical companies, etc. in tourism,
- Psychological strategies for dealing with problems caused by tourists,
- Understanding and creating positive speech patterns,
- Tourism’s role in racial/cultural issues,
- How to deal with an angry tourist;
- How to develop cooperation between city departments and local CVBs.
Using What You Have: How to Make the Most of Your Community
This seminar explains how a community can utilize its facilities to the best of its advantage. The seminar looks at how communities can target populations that will appreciate what they currently have. The seminar also provides ideas on how to turn the pedestrian into the unique. This seminar is especially valuable for small communities, many of which have negative self-perceptions of what they have to offer a visitor.
Welcome Centers: What Works-What Doesn’t
This seminar examines different types of welcome centers. It provides a cross-cultural look at welcome centers around the world, This seminar can be given as a one or two part course.
Part 1 deals with the theories and concepts of good service:
- Defining good service:
- Who uses welcome centers and for what reasons
- Different needs of the foreign and local (national) tourist
- Language difficulties
In Lecture 2 looks at:
- Looking at brochures at welcome centers
- Police as tourism promoters
- Training tourism center staffs
- Making a geographic area tourism sensitive:
- How welcome centers need to work with government officials, waiters and waitresses, restauranteurs and hoteliers, and the local press
Year-round Schooling: Tourism’s Newest Challenge
This seminar examines the challenge of alternative school calendars to the tourism industry. With over 4,000 school districts having abolished some form of the traditional summer, the tourism industry needs to know how to react and what to do. This seminar touches upon:
- types of alternative educational calendars
- who wins, who loses
- how to prepare a document for your legislature
- with whom to form a coalition
- should tourism sacrifice itself for the good of our children?
- does year-round education help children?
- how can tourism become help our children to learn?
Surviving Economically Uncertain Times: How will the current state of the economy impact your business.
This seminar will address what the tourism professional needs to know about the current state of the US economy, from how the changes in health care will impact tourism to issues concerning the stock market. It will segment the economy by groups and look at both past economic history as it pertains to tourism and future trends.
How much of a threat to tourism is terrorism? Deciding how best to spend your tourism budget? Sales development
Terrorism is a double threat to tourism, not only from a physical standpoint, but also from a media standpoint. This seminar looks at how tourism’s different component parts are impact by terrorism and counter terrorism policy. This lecture will examine which parts of the industry are most impacted and how to or not react to an ever evolving situation.
Successful and failed tourism marketing strategies.
This seminar focuses in on tourism marketing strategies vis-à-vis tourism sectors, such as age, ethnic grouping and sociological factors. It examines why some strategies have worked in the past and others have failed. It then asks the question do past successes or failures indicate the same results under different circumstances?
Avoiding tourism crises by using good risk management techniques
The best way to avoid a the cost of a crisis recovery is to have good risk management and thereby avoid the crisis. This seminar looks at the many ways to do risk management even on a low budget and then how to save money in every aspect of one’s business.
Recovering from bad publicity
Unfortunately bad things do happen, and when they happen often the media can make a bad situation worse. This seminar provides suggestions on how to speak or not speak with the media, how to turn the media into an ally and what to do before a crisis occurs.
The Art of Listening
We have two ears and one mouth as a sign that we need to learn how to listen more and carefully. Good listening does not mean winning every argument. It does mean understanding what the other person is saying on both an overt and covert level. This seminar addresses the issues of how to be still and discern what the other person is really saying. What is a client trying to express and when should we answer and when is the best course of action providing our clients with a sounding board. The art of listening is not only useful in client relations but is also useful within an organization so that all members know what the organization’s policy is.
Generational Marketing: Marketing to the Baby-boom Generation, Generation X and beyond.
Not all marketing works for every segment of the tourism population. This seminar looks at what attracts different segments of the tourism population, what do push and what not to push. The session wil segment the US tourism population not only by age and sex but by likes and dislikes. The material will then be presented in a way that a business can use this knowledge to increase its clientele in a way that turns first time customers into satisfied customers who wish to return.
Marketing to the International Tourist
The US is fast becoming one of the world’s great destinations. Tourism to this country however is not uni-dimensional and there are great differences in what a Latin American desires and what someone from Eastern or South Asia desires in a visit to the US. This seminar focuses on different major cultural groups, issues of language, and the need to understand each nation’s concept of time and cultural demands.
Understanding cultural differences in tourism
Know the law is not enough. Although all Americans are equal in the eyes of the law, equality does not means return business. Not all American tourists are alike and understand ethnic differences, by region and by cultural and ethnic groups allows not only a particular tourism industry to expand, but also can avoid sensitivity and diversity issues. This seminar also looks at the special needs of LGBT tourists and the needs of such overlooked groups as the traveling single-dad.
Tourism Ethics: Linking the Wisdom to Your Tourism Product.
A major problem in tourism is that many parts of the industry are not seen as credible in the eyes of its clients. This seminar distinguishes between what is legal and what is ethical. It concentrates on how we can increase our business by building of reputation in which we do the right thing rather than merely giving the legally necessary response.
Getting along with angry/upset/negative co-workers.
Everyone has a bad day and some people seem to have a continuous angry or bad day. In a customer service industry such as tourism, rude and angry behavior is more than an annoyance it is a liability. This seminar focuses on how do we turn frowns into smiles and turn a difficult personal experience into a positive one.
Touring your police department into a tourism economic generator
Security in today’s world is a top priority. Most police officers have little or no understanding of their role in economic development. This course in TOPPs (Toursm Oriented Policing/Protection Services) transforms police officers into both security specialists and tourism promoters. The course teaches both tourism professionals and police officers how the police can add to the bottom line rather than being negatively impacting the bottom line.
occur, how to overcome it and go beyond it.
Other lectures include:
- Tourism Confronts Terrorism: What You Need to Know to Maintain a Viable Industry in the Face of Terrorism.
- Training Your Police: Tourism Oriented Policing (TOPs), how it works and why it is essential for a viable tourism industry.
- Getting On Board: Helping Your Police and Other City Employees to be Part of the Tourism Industry.
- Marketing to the Baby-boom Generation, Generation X and beyond.
- New Trends in Tourism Marketing and International Tourism.
- When the Market is Tight and the Economy Is Slow: New Ideas in Marketing.
- Developing a Successful Agricultural and Rural Tourism Industry.
- Something from Nothing: The Art of Creating New Attractions.
- Tourism Ethics: Linking the Wisdom of Moses to Your Tourism Product.
- Understanding Tourism Statistics: When is a fact a fact and when is it not? How to present data to the media?
by Bea Broda
- Introduction to the media as it pertains to tourism
- The Relationship between Promotions and successful tourism
- Responsible reporting
- Appropriate representation
- Using tools like Photoshop and editing software
- How to write a good lead
- Social Media strategies – appropriating various apps such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
- Reporting for crisis management and tourism recovery
- Effective Communication and Media Outreach
ADD ON (optional)
Media Training:
Tourist industry representatives are often invited to speak, whether in person or on camera.
- This session explores the best ways to present oneself and one’s destination
- On camera example training, including a critique and review of performance and recommendations regarding style, dress, where to look, etc.
The media has always been a moving target, but marketing oneself to the media is an ongoing necessity.
This program teaches the skills of photography, writing, editing and presentation, as well as instruction and guidance regarding the use of these tools across various platforms, whether they be television, radio, or various social media channels.
Media Workshop
The workshop can provide your region with both knowledge and prestige. These workshops are excellent and inexpensive ways to promote your destination in cooperation with ICTP and our media partners, including our prime partner, the eTurboNews Group.
What we will provide:
- ICTP and partners will provide the Curricula and Speakers.
- Global outreach and promotion if requested
- Extensive global media/ PR outreach and guaranteed reports if requested.
- Workshops are also great for local training for tourism stakeholders, law enforcement, officials.
The Host Community will provide
- Meeting Venue
Peace Through Tourism Workshop:
by Louis D’Amore:
How to use trust to create employee loyalty?
- How to use trust to create a credible tourism product
- How to use trust to win new customers and clients
- How to create trust with the media
- How to use trust as a recovery tool during a crisis.
Dr. Louis D’Amore is Founder and President of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) and Chancellor of LIUTEBM University, Zambia. He has been instrumental in promoting the travel and tourism industry as the world’s first “Global Peace Industry” since the founding of IIPT in 1986. He has been a pioneer in socially and environmentally responsible tourism since conducting the world’s first comprehensive study on the future of tourism for the Canadian Government in the mid-70’s.
Dr. D’Amore introduced the concept of sustainable tourism at the IIPT First Global Conference, Vancouver, Canada 1988 and subsequently in 1993 developed the world’s first “Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism.” Since its founding in 1986, Dr. D’Amore has organized some 20 International Conferences and Summits including the first major international conference on Sustainable Tourism: “Building a Sustainable World through Tourism” in Montreal, Canada, 1994.
Major initiatives being implemented as part of IIPT’s 30th Anniversary Year include the IIPT Global Peace Parks Project with a goal of 2,000 IIPT Peace Parks circling the earth by November 11, 2018, Centenary of the end of WWI with its them “No More War.” A second major initiative is the IIPT Travel for Peace Campaign that encourages every traveler to be “An Ambassador for Peace” by practicing the IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler.
IIPT was born in Montreal, Canada in 1986, the UN International Year of Peace, with a vision of travel and tourism becoming the world’s first global peace industry and the belief that every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace.
IIPT’s concept of “Peace” from the start has been a positive concept that goes beyond the notion of simply the absence of war. It embraces six dimensions:
- Peace and tranquility within ourselves
- Peace with others, from our neighbors next door to our neighbors in the global village
- Collaboration among nations
- Peace with nature and our common home – planet earth
- Peace with past generations – by which we honor our respective cultures, heritage
- Achievements of past generations
- Peace with future generations – through sustainable lifestyles and practices
- Peace with our Creator – by practicing the universal principle of all faiths and humanists: do unto others as we would have them do unto ourselves
The First IIPT Global Conference: Tourism – A Vital Force for Peace was held in Vancouver, 1988, was a transforming event for the travel and tourism industry. Honorary Chair of the Conference was H.E. Vigdis Finnbogadottir, President of Iceland, the world’s first elected woman Head of State. The Conference opened with inspiring video taped messages from Pope John Paul II and then U.S. President, Ronald Reagan. Featured keynote speakers included: J. Willard Marriott, Chairman and President, Marriott Corporation; Dr. Willibald Pahr, Secretary General World Tourism Organization; Dr. Inamullah Kahn, Executive Chairman, World Conferenc on Religion and Peace; Ervin Laszlow, Founder and President, General Evolution Research Group; Dr. Fouad Sultan, Minister of Tourism and Aviation, Egypt – and other dignitaries.
The Conference first introduced the concept of Sustainable Tourism, four years prior to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), popularly known as the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. The Rio Summit formulated the foundations for Sustainable Development and an Action Plan known as Agenda 21.
The First Global Conference; Tourism – A Vital Force for Peace also is credited with the ‘launch of the Peace through Tourism Movement” motivating many of the 800 participants from 68 countries and their various organizations to create and implement actions and projects contributing to a peaceful and sustainable tourism. (The Amman Declaration is an Official UN Document)
Other Global Conferences and Summits have been held in:
- Montreal, Canada
- Glasgow, Scotland
- Amman, Jordan:
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Bangkok, Thailand,
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Nelspruit, South Africa
- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Lusaka, Zambia
- Kampala, Uganda
- Leeuwarden, Netherlands
- Thessaloniki, Greece
- Gocek, Turkey
- Assisi, Italy
- Workshops between North and South, Cyprus
Current Initiatives include a
- Global Peace Parks Program
- Travel for Peace Campaign
email us at [email protected] to discuss more or call +1-808-566-9900
Grateful for the opportunity to travel and experience the world and because peace begins with the individual, I affirm my personal responsibility and commitment to:
- Journey with an open mind and gentle heart
- Accept with grace and gratitude the diversity I encounter
- Revere and protect the natural environment which sustains all life
- Appreciate all cultures I discover
- Respect and thank my hosts for their welcome
- Offer my hand in friendship to everyone I meet
- Support travel services that share these views and act upon them and,
- By my spirit, words and actions, encourage others to travel the world in peace
International Institute for Peace Through Tourism
email us at [email protected] to discuss more or call +1-808-566-9900