CenORT – Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Development

CenORT is organization devote to sustainable development and achieving peace through tourism, Serbia
There are many reasons to consider tourism in Serbia as the activity with outstanding chances for propulsive growth in the future, especially having in mind the quality of tourism resources. It is also obvious that, in the scope of such development, the natural resources should determine the possibilities for achieving economic and other goals in tourism, and not vice versa.
If we wish that tourism in Serbia reaches the results according to its potentials and resources, it is necessary for tourism development to overcome negative impacts and especially to be in accordance with the environment, in responsible and sustainable manner.
That was one of the main reasons why group of experts in various fields of activities gathered around this idea and created the Centre for Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Development – CenORT. The Centre is non-political and non-profitable association, more exactly the non-governmental organization (NGO).
The aim of the CenORT is scientific and professional research of the sustainable and responsible tourism development, education and arising the awareness about the importance of tourism and its impacts on economic and social development. The basic aim is to carry out the activities of non-governmental organization in order of exerting influence on decision makers and policy creators at all levels, which will finally lead to the implementation of the sustainable and responsible tourism development principles in Serbia according to the global tendencies in this field.
The important part of its work the CenORT committed to the activities for improving the development of ecotourism, rural and cultural tourism that are a crucial base for the sustainable tourism development in Serbia as a tourist destination. Considering natural and other resources as the real basis for achieving better position of Serbia on the international tourism market, the CenORT sets as its direct goal the support to the activities that contribute to the rural tourism development. In this scope, the important attitude is that successful rural tourism development in Serbia has to be based on the connections with related European organizations, application of European criteria and standards and involvement into European promotional activities.
The CenORT cooperates with many international organizations in the field of sustainable tourism development, especially from Europe. Considering rural touris and ectourism development as the priority of the tourism development in Serbia and of its own activities in sustainable tourism development, the CenORT has a long-term cooperation with ECEAT – European Centre for Eco and Agro Tourism. As the result of this cooperation, the CenORT has been accepted into the full membership of ECEAT during ECEAT Board session in Berlin, 12 March 2010.
by Joan Popesku