Studio GREEN WAVE, Brazil

FERNANDO ZORNITTA, Environmentalist, Architect and Urban Planner, Specialist in Leisure and Recreation (School of Physical Education of UFRGS / Porto Alegre / BR); Specialist in Tourism (UNWTO-UN / Gov Italian / SIST-Roma /IT). Improvement stage in Tourism Planning at the University. Messina (Economic Geography Laboratory / Director Prof. Carmelo Cavallaro – Messina / IT). Doctoral Course attendance period in Planning and Regional Development at the University of Barcelona /ES (focused on tourism and research project in Latin America and the Caribbean). Realization Audiovisual Technician course and develops activities such as artist and designer. Has literary production – book and published technical articles. He has co-creator and co-founder of NGOs active in the areas of environment, film and video, sports and leisure – among others. Was member GTMA (Working Group Environment of CREA-CE – Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy) for six years of GTPA – Working Group on Planning Accessibility also of CREA-CE) and member of FID-Forum Elderly and Disabilities Persons since 2006. Italian Brazilian citizenship. Domain Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and regular English. Born in Porto Alegre and twin Paulo Roberto Zornitta. Resides in Fortaleza, Ceará (northeast), BR. E-mail: [email protected]
My interest is to contribute to human development through the activities that improve it; among them tourism, leisure and recreation, sports, arts, education and culture, science and spirituality. My main project – which I still intend to develop is entitled TOURISM IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TERRITORIAL OCCUPATION AND SUSTAINABILITY POLICIES, which was selected by the Scientific Committee of the First UNWTO World Conference on Intelligent Destinations, which can be accessed by link:
I would like to seek partnerships for its realization and also make myself available to members for any work anywhere in the world.
Fernando Zornitta