Travel For All, Canada

A Global Leader in Accessible Travel, we customize vacations, and specialize in helping travelers with various ‘Specific Requirements’ – cane users, slow walkers, complex health issues (Dialysis), Developmental Disabilities, hearing/sight impairment and wheelchair users.
We have customized 5000+ vacations to and from every corner of the world. ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES Travel can set you worlds apart from the everyday while enriching your life with memorable moments! Let the world be your oyster!
Our Founder, Tarita Davenock was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis- Struck with the realization that her life would never be the same. This one-time Social Worker; became an entrepreneur in an industry where she has been able to carve out a significant niche, based on a personal philosophy that travel should be Inclusive and not exclusive.
The Travel For All Team knows disability firsthand and wants to show everyone that the world can still ‘be their oyster’. The truth is that the world is not perfectly accessible, there are still bumps in the road…
What is spectacular about the world is that it was made to be seen by everyone; regardless of your mobility or ability. We work with a select group of suppliers with the same passions as ours. Choose where and when, and we will work hard at creating what your mind envisions.
by Tarita Davenock