Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Development Company Ltd

Location and Geography


Latitude 10.5° N, Longitude 61.5° W (Trinidad is 7 miles from Venezuela)

50 miles long by 37 miles wide

Highest point: 3,085 feet



Latitude 11° N, Longitude 60° W

26 miles long by 7 miles wide

Highest point: 1,860 feet


Capital Cities

Port of Spain, Trinidad

Scarborough, Tobago


Major towns

Trinidad: Port of Spain, San Fernando, Arima, Point Fortin, Chaguanas

Tobago: Scarborough, Roxborough, Charlotteville, Speyside



Trinidad: 1.27 million (2011 Population Census)

Tobago: 56,810 (2011 Population Census)


Ethnic breakdown

35.4% Indian, 34.2% African, 22.8% Mixed Race.


English (official), Caribbean Hindustani (a dialect of Hindi), French, Spanish, Chinese




A former British colony, the twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago follows the Westminster model of government and upholds the traditions of parliamentary democracy. The country gained independence in 1962 and became a republic in 1976.

It is a member of the British Commonwealth. General elections are held every 5 years, when they are constitutionally due and the democratic transfer of power is peaceful and routine.

Legislative power lies with the House of Representatives with 41 elected members and the Senate with 31 members appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition; nine of these members are independents.

Executive power lies with the Prime Minister and his Cabinet which is appointed from Members of Parliament.

Tobago has its own elected House of Assembly responsible for the administration of the island, and for the implementation of policies that are referred by Parliament.

The President of Trinidad and Tobago is elected for a 5-year renewable term by an Electoral College consisting of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate.


The Judiciary is independent of the Government. This independence is guaranteed by the Constitution which provides for the entrenched protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. These rights are guaranteed to foreign investors, just as they are to Trinidad and Tobago nationals.


Head of State:  His Excellency President Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, ORTT, SC

Head of Government:  The Honourable Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley




Trinidad and Tobago over the years has earned a reputation among international businesses as an excellent destination for investment, especially in the energy sector. The country is the leading Caribbean producer of oil and gas, which accounts for 40% of GDP and 80% of exports. The country’s income per capita is one of the highest in the Latin America and Caribbean region.

The tourism sector is not considered a major contributor to GDP; however, it has been identified as being pivotal to the thrust of economic diversification as the non-energy sector comes into focus to supplement the modest performance of the energy sector.  The tourism sector currently provides approximately 23,300 jobs or 4 per cent of Total Employment and contributes TTD 4,101 million or 4.6 per cent of Total GDP.


Time Zone

GMT -4:00



Located outside of the hurricane belt, temperatures range from 70°F to 90°F (21°C – 32°C) year round. The rainy season is June through December.



The national currency is Trinidad & Tobago dollars (TT) but U.S. currency is widely accepted.

Notes: $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100


Exchange rate

The Trinidad & Tobago dollar floats with the US Dollar.

Rate of exchange as of April 2016 is approximately TTD 6.67 to USD 1.00.



Scotia Bank, First Citizens Bank, Republic Bank, RBC Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, Citibank, Bank of Baroda, Intercommercial Bank



Automatic teller machines are located at various locations across the islands.


International Airports

Trinidad: Piarco International Airport

Tobago: ANR Robinson International Airport (Formerly Crown Point International Airport)




American Airlines, British Airways, Caribbean Airlines (formerly BWIA), United Airlines, Insel Air, Venezolana Airlines, Copa, Liat, Conviasa Airlines, Surinam Airways, JetBlue Airways, Westjet



British Airways, Condor, Virgin Atlantic, GOL Airlines


Entry Requirements

Valid passport and onward return ticket. In some cases a visa may be required for entry – to learn if you will need a entry visa please click here.




Hotel: 10% service charge, 10% room tax

Other: Value Added Tax of 12.5% on select items.

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