Khadijah-Hanine Lakkis, Lebanon

Masters in Cultural Projects for Development–ILO and University of Torino,Torino, Italy, Dec.15, 2007(With major focus on Project Management and Cultural Economics:EU and World Bank systems including budget spreadsheet, monitoring, and evaluation)
M.A. in English Language, AUB, 1988
Selected for “Women in Front”, Women Leadership Program , 2013.
- Participating in a study on “ Female Leadership in Worship”, Danmission, Jan.2016.
- Supervising Two BA Graduation Projects entitled:
- Festivals and Cultural Tourism: The Case of Byblos Festival, by Amar Maristani, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Lebanese University, June 2016.
- Impact of Museum on Cultural Tourism, by Fatima Eid, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Lebanese University, June 2016.
- Supervising Five Internship Master Projects, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Lebanese University, Summer 2016.
- Supervising three MA theses, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Lebanese University, Summer 2016.
- Supervised an MA Thesis to Ms. Rim Taleb entitled: “The Impact of Involving Local Communities in Tourism in Tyre”, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Lebanese University, Nov.2015.
- Supervised Four Internship Master Projects, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Lebanese University, Sept, 2015.
- A Paper on” MENA Region Wealth of Cultural Heritage Vs. Lack of Development opportunities”, Published in Proceedings of Med7 Conference, University of Rome, Oct.7, 2014.
- Participating in the Baalbeck International Festival Strategic Review and Operations Model, Booz &Co,2012.
- Marketing Booklet of the Project on the Museum of Baalbeck International Festival,2011.
- Project for the Master in Cultural Projects for Development: The Development of Handicraft Products Showroom in Baalbeck, Lebanon, 2007.(Samples are available).
- A study on ”Multiculturalism at AUB”, Proceedings of the UNESCO conference in Jyvaskyla,Finalnd,2003(Awarded a recognition by UNESCO).
- A Study on” Transfer of Prepositions from Arabic to English”, Forum, July,2002.
- A. entitled:”The Dialect of Baalbeck”, English Dept. AUB (August 1987).
- Events Management Consultant &Trainer, Lebanese Exhibitions and Conferences Association (LECA), Jan.2016
- Lecturer: Teaching an Advanced Graduate Course on Operations of Events Management at :
Sagesse University since 2013
Lebanese University since 2010
- Curator and Board Member of the Museum of Baalbeck International Festival since 2006.
- Conference Manager, ARADO- League of Arab States- since August, 2009.
- Cultural Operator
- Professional Training on Events Management, ARADO, Istanbul, June 7-10, 2015.
- Teaching Graduate and Undergraduate Courses on Events Management-Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Beirut. Lebanon (as of Sept. 2011) and Faculty of Hospitality at Sagesse University (as of Oct 2013).
- Founding Board Member on Accessible Tourism, Amman, March, 2015.
- Executing The 2nd Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries, Ministry of Culture, Manama, March 1&2, 2012.(in the context of Manama the Capital of Arab Culture, 2012).
- Organizing the Immigrants’ Reunion 2012, Lebanese International Business Council, Beirut, July 9th, 2012.
- A Forum on Sustainable Tourism and Development, Beyond Beirut, Unesco Palace, Oct. 5th, 2011.
- Execution: Seminar on “Museums: A way to Intercultural Communication and Social harmony”, held on Sept. 28th & 29th, 2010 in collaboration with the University of Balamand, Lebanon and partnership of ICOM-Arab.
- Conference Manager at Specialist Group, Sept.2008-May 2009
( Executing the 1st International Conference on e legal Transactions in the Arab Countries, Feb.24-26, 2009- preparing conference profile, meeting and coordinating with scientific committee, selecting and communicating with speakers, setting up the conference schedule, on-site session organization, designing conference evaluation form, compiling reports and responses).
- Executive Director and founder of the Forums on Festivals in the Arab countries since 2009.
- Execution: 1st Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries Under the Patronage of HE Prime Minister of Lebanon , Dec.2-4, 2009- preparing forum profile, fundraising, media campaign, selecting and communicating with speakers, setting up the conference schedule, on-site session organization, PR and meeting with partners and collaborators in the UAE and Egypt, compiling reports and responses.
- Executive Member on the Council of Anna Lindh Foundation –Beirut Office,(since 2008)
- Conference Organizer -2008.( Executed and Coordinated the Second International Translation Conference in Jordan in collaboration with the top two international Translation associations (FIT and CIUTI) preparing conference profile, meeting and coordinating with scientific committee, selecting and communicating with speakers, setting up the conference schedule, on-site session organization, designing conference evaluation form, compiling reports and responses.
- Curator and Board Member of the Museum of Baalbeck International Festival since 2006. Duties include: Collecting and documenting artifacts items, categorizing, archiving, following up design by attending two design workshops at Zaha Haddid office in London, preparing the museum marketing booklet in coordination ZHA office, preparing sponsorship material, …)
- Advisory Board Member on LBLI-USAID Project on Beyond Beirut (Tourism and heritage in Lebanon, 2006)
- Founder of AUB Faculty Committee for the Project on Planting the Cedar Tree at AUB Commemorating Late PM Rafik Hariri , April 2005.
- Coordinator between AUB and UNESCO for the Iraqi fellows,(Oct-Dec.2004).
- Coordinator for Fulbright scholars between AUB and US Embassy
( 2004-2005/2005-2006)
- Founder of the International Faculty Unit at the Provost’s Office-2000./ Organized and Coordinated the New Faculty Orientation Seminars, Feb.2001—2005.
- Active member on AUB’s Accreditation Task Team, AUB,2002.
- Consultant for the English Entrance Exam and material at the Orthodontistry Program at the American University Hospital, Beirut,(2000—-)
- Formulating and training the team of Baalbeck International Festivals on site management during festivals, 1998.
- Selected for the Masters Program in Governance at John Kennedy School of Government, USA-declined for family personal reasons,1996.
- Stood Second (among 250 participants) for the oral entrance exam for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Lebanon, 1996.
A Presentation on: City Ambassadors, “Non Formal and Intercultural Education in the
Mediterranean” 2nd International Network Common Action, Anna
Lindh Foundation, Tarragona, Dec.16-19, 2015.
A Presentation on: Festivals as Major Forces for Human and Economic Development &
Essential Tools for Attractiveness and Competitiveness of Territories,
Visa for Music, Rabat, Morocco, Nov. 12-15, 2014.
A Presentation on:” Cultural Models and Policies in the EuroMed”, Arts Forum,
ADCEI, Toulon, March 21st-23rd, 2013
A Presentation on “The Festival in a Museum”, 2nd Forum of Festivals in the Arab
Countries, Manama, 2012.
Participated in the Seminar discussion on “Artists Mobility and Interdisciplinary
Diplomacy”, Guimareas, Portugal, May 24th, 2012.
A Presentation on “Perspectives of International Collaboration and Management
Development of Heritage”, Castellabte, Sicily, June 4th, 2011
A presentation on e Tourism at LBLI Workshop, sponsored by USAID, May 12, 2009.
A Presentation on” Lebanon and Heritage”, CE.S.I.E., Palermo, Italy-Oct.3-12, 2008.
A Presentation on” Women Status in Lebanon”, Mediterranean Institute at University of
Lugano, Nov.23-24,2006
A Poster Presentation on ”AUB: The Bridge between the East and the
West”, Finalnd,2003 (Awarded UNESCO appreciation for an outstanding poster presentation).
A presentation on ”E-mail journal Writing in ESL Classes”, Granada, Sept.2002.
A Lecture on Oral Presentations Skills for Graduate FAFS Students, March,2002.
A Poster Presentation on” Colorful English Proverbs Vs. Black and White Arabic
Proverbs “ at IATEFL, Brighton, England, April, 2001.
A Lecture on Multicultural Communication in Lebanon, Siena, Italy, Sept.2001.
A paper on UOP Placement Test, FILPV Conference, Paris, July, 2000
English Department, AUB(Full-Time Instructor) teaching Eng.204,203,100,102,(1990-2005)
University Orientation Program, AUB(Full-Time Instructor) teaching Language Skills
Duties: A member on the advisory committee (1991-1993); Grammar coordinator (1991-1994&1997-19990; Secretary on the Academic Affairs Committee, Division of Education (1993-1995); Head of Statistics and Testing committee (1996-2000);Secretary of the executive committee of AUB Faculty Association(1994-98)
British Council-Part-time Instructor (1991-1992)
Division of Education- American University of Beirut (1989-2005)
Master class on “Social Entrepreneurship and Responsible Business”, EuroMed Invest, May31st, Beirut, 2016.
“Third High Level Seminar on Economic Diaspora Mobilisation”, MedGeneration, June 1st, 2016.
“Develop Business and Industrial Cooperation among EU-MED and Gulf countries”, Beirut, June (2&3).
“EUROMED Invest Academy Belgium”, Brussels Chamber of Commerce, June 15-17, 2015.
“Professional Branding” by WiF, Beirut, May 31st, 2015
“Protocol and Etiquette” WiF Training by a specialist at the Presidential Palace, Beirut, May 30th, 2015.
“ Sure, She Can Project,” National Democratic Institute” May 19th-23rd, 2015 (In process…).
“Women in Politics,” Women in Front,( March 27th,28th,&29th, April17t-19th), 2015, Beirut.
“ Look and Image of Women in Politics,” Women in Front, June 7th, 2014,Beirut.
“Social Accountability & Community Score Cards “, Women in Front, May16th-18th,2014, Kferdebian.
First International Conference for Urban Heritage in the Islamic Countries, Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities, Riyadh, 2011.
CIUTI Forum, UNOG, Geneva, January, 2008.
A Conference on: “Women as Agents of Change”, Sponsored by the Council of Europe, Lisbon (Portugal) June, 2006.
A Conference on: “Women in the Mediterranean”, Sponsored by the Mediterranean Institute at University of Lugano, Nov. 2006
Grants Writing Workshop-AUB (May 14,2004).
A Problem-Based Learning Seminar-AUB (April 2004).
Faculty Seminar on developing Programs and Learning Outcomes-Fall 2003.
A Three-Day Workshop on Testing, AUB-May 2003.
A workshop on Advising -Fall2002.
Teaching ESL Conference, Granada, Spain-Sept.2002.
35thIATEFL Conf., Brighton, 2001.
A One-week Workshop on English Writing and Scoring, AUB-Dec. 2000.
FIPLV Conference, Paris, 2000.
SIG Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, Sept.1998.
TESOL Arabia, Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi, 1997.
30th IATEFL Conf., Keele, UK,1996.
2nd Magharib Conference, Tunisia, 1995.
Three- Week Training on Contemporary English, Cambridge,UK,1993.
Three-Week Training at TESOL course, ESADE, Spain, 1992.
Visual Aids in Teaching ESL, London, UK,1991.
Three – Week British Council Summer School, Nottingham, UK, 1990.
Two-Week TESL Workshop, Cyprus, 1988.
Festivals and Perofrming Arts
- Serving on Baalbeck International Festival since 1998
- Formulating the ushering team
- Serving on different committees
- Launching the Festival Forums in the Arab Countries (2009 & 2012)
- Participating in the seminar of Roberto Cimetta on Artists Mobility (2012)
Museum Experience
- Preparing ‘Museum Project Execution Plan”
- Museum training at Zaha Haddid Office, London, Feb. & April 2011
- Marketing Booklet of the Project of the Museum of Baalbeck International Festival
Cultural Projects for Development including
The notion of cultural heritage and the value chain of cultural productions.
Culture as a source for development
The culture labor market
Analysis of the theories and methods of the cultural market
Setting up and management of cultural systems and policies
Museum management
Festivals and economic development
Economics of cultural heritage
Intangible cultural heritage
Project Management of Cultural Heritage Projects
Intercultural Communication
A three-week workshop on Multiculturalism, Human Dynamics, and Conflict Resolution, Siena,2001
UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Communication, Jyvaskyla, Finalnd,June,2003
A Workshop on Preparing Portfolios-Fall 2003
“Designing Intercultural Training on Intercultural Dialogue Skills and Tools for Practitioners” Workshop -Winterthur, Switzerland, April,2005
Creating the International Campus, European Association of International Education, Barcelona, Oct.2005
Four M.A. courses on Intercultural Communication at University of Lugano, June 2007.
Cultural Heritage
- Curator of MOBIF inside the Citadel of Baalbeck including documentation, categorization, drafting texts in Arabic and English, Preparing sponsorship brochure, and other duties…
- Attending the First International Conference on Urban Heritage in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 23rd-28th, 2010.
- Running a fashion exhibition for fundraising gala dinner for the Museum of Baalbeck Festival at the Citadel.
- Project on Preserving the heritage of Local Industrial Design of local Artisans(see p1)
- A Presentation on Cultural Heritage and diversity in Lebanon, Palermo,2008
Etiquette at the Working Place-AUB-Feb.2004
Seminaire de formation(theorie and pratique) sur Savoir Vivre, by Madame Jacqueline Queneau, Acedemie des Hautes Etudes Diplomatiques et des Relations Internationales, April 20-22,2009.
Editing and Testing Material
-Prepare tests for EE Exams
– Editing an EEE language Book, Conference profile material, M.A. theses, academic term papers, objectives & syllabi of Nursing School at AUH.
– Program, flyers, press releases, and website material for Baalbeck Festival & Beyond Beirut
A Multinational Experience at AUB-Accepted at ICRN Conference on: “Exploring Cultural Perspectives”, Florence, July 12-17, 2004
When Language Colors Your Identification 5th IALIC Annual Conference on ”Politics,
Plurilingualism and Linguistic Identity “, Dublin City Univ., Nov.11-14,2004
Women and Culture: A success Story in Lebanon, Women World Congress, Madrid, July 2008.
Post-War Tourism Transformation in Lebanon-Traditions and Transformations: Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the Middle East and North Africa Region , 4-7 April ,2009, Amman, Jordan.
The Cultural Expressions of Costumes of the Lebanese Dance, Costume Colloquium II: Dress for Dance, Florence, Nov.4-7, 2010.
Museum of Baalbeck International Festival: A Memory for Arts Arts and Heritage, URLA2014, International Congress on Management of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Memory Institutions, Sept. 17-20, Istanbul, Turkey.
Interview on Culture and economics at the Arab Economic News, Oct.2015 (
Interviewed by AL Hassad Magazine, May, 2015.
Article on Relocating Baalbeck Festival in Annahar and al Mustaqbal newspapers, July 2013.
Radio interview by AfroPop radio, USA, June 2013.
An article on Museum of Baalbeck Festival, Al Sharek Al Awsat Newspaper, May 18th, 2012.
Radio interview- 1 hr, Radio Liban, July 2012.
Festival spokesperson on TV and Radio on Festival 2008& 2010.
Leading fundraising campaign for the museum of Baalbeck International Festivals ( as of Oct. 2011.
Fundraising Gala Dinner for the Museum of the Festival- April 26th, 2010.
First Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries: Media and industrial partnership and sponsorship, Dec. 2009.
Raising funds for the Conference on e Legal Transactions, Feb. 2009.
Baalbeck Festival drafting media material for Press in Lebanon and the region /preparing for TV interviews/dealing with local and international media to provide information about festival events (July 1997-2011)
Arabic Excellent proficiency in: Speaking, writing, reading, and comprehension
English Excellent proficiency in: Speaking, writing, reading, and comprehension
French Beginner
- Professional verbal and non-verbal communicator
- Problem solver
- Team worker
- Good listener
- Impressive presenter
- HE Mr. Salim Warde, Ex Minister of Culture, Lebanon, [email protected].
- Dr. Refaat Faouri, Director General of ARADO, League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt ([email protected])
- Dr. Joe Ghafari, Director, Orthodontistry Dept. at AUH.(tel:01 350000), [email protected]
Appendix on Cultural Experience
Knowledge on Cultural Projects for Development including:
- The notion of cultural heritage and the value chain of cultural productions.
– Mapping the tangible, intangible and material cultural heritage.
- Culture as a source for development.
– The cultural capital and the theory of diversity.
– Sustainability and maintenance of diversity.
– Maintenance of cultural systems and recognition of interdependence.
– Culture in economic performance.
- The culture labor market.
– Characters of the cultural sector.
– Job creation.
– Qualifications, competencies, and remunerations.
- Cultural economics
- Project management
- Analysis of the theories and methods of the cultural market.
– The tourist system.
– The tourist destination and its region.
– Tourism planning and management.
– Tourism development in heritage sites.
-Dynamics of tourist destinations.
– Governing the tourist development.
– Externalities of heritage sites.
- Setting up and management of cultural systems and policies.
– Types of pubic interventions and the public of the arts.
– Searching for additional sources of revenues: sponsorships, lotteries, and tax exemptions.
– Assignment of cultural powers.
– Protecting and promoting local cultures.
– Cultural policies and the national heritage sites.
– Copyrights management and enforcements.
– Applying copyrights.
6 – Museum management
- Economics of cultural heritage.
– The economic characteristics of historic monuments.
– The incidences of the characteristics as public goods for the management of historic monuments.
– Possibility of the increasing amount of protected heritage.
- Intangible cultural heritage.
– The economic perspectives of intangible heritage.
– UNESCO projects in intangible heritage.
– Cultural diversity and cultural invasion.
– Policy actions for the safeguard of cultural diversity
- Project Management of Cultural Heritage Projects (EU and World Bank Styles)